Group size: Medium 5-9
Timescale: Under 10 min
Where?: Indoors, Gym hall/ similar
What you need: Blindfold
Metal Bowl or Billy Can
A Chair
Rolled Up Newspaper/Nerf Sword/Pool Noodle
Instructions: Put the keys in the metal bowl, and place it under the chair.
Everyone makes a wide circle around the chair.
A Person is blindfolded, and Sits in the chair, armed with the Newspaper/Nerf Sword.
The Blind Man must defend the keys, if he connects with someone that person is either out, or sent back to start again.
The objective is to sneak up and get the keys from the bowl, back to the starting area, without being hit.
The successful sneaker gets to be the next blind man.
It can be played in turns, or all at once, which makes for fast competitive sneaking.
A Leader can also direct, selecting one or more child to attempt at the same time.
As an adaptation, this game is great in the dark.
Categories: Ice breakers, Brain games, Movement
Core outcomes: Set goals, Achieve goals, Participate, Understand safety