
"Just be patient. Let the game come to you."
-Earl Monroe

by J 22 July 2019

Group size: Big group 10+

Timescale: Under 10 min

Where?: Indoors

Gym hall/ similar

What you need: Paper, pens

Instructions: Divide your group into two teams.


Stand the first group in a line facing the second group. The second group have a set amount of time (you decide) to look at the appearance of the other team.


Once their time is up, the second team (observers) will leave the room, and the first group must change ten things about them. The ten things must be noticeable (ie. they cannot change things in their pockets or other things previously out of view).


When the second group returns, they must observe the first group and work out what ten things have changed. (They may write them down if this is helpful) It's best to give a set amount of time for this to happen also.


Once this is done, you can swap the roles of the groups.


Categories: Teams

: Brain games

: Communication

 Core outcomes: Increase confidence


 Make decisions

 Express opinions

by J 22 July 2019

Group size: Individual

Timescale: 10-30 min

Where?: Indoors

What you need: 4 sheets of 15 x 15 cm paper or card. 2 sheets of one colour and 2 of a different colour.

Instructions: Start with the paper you'd like to use for the X's. Fold the paper in half, top to bottom and right to left. There are now 4 equal square sections.

Cut the sections out on both sheets, you'll be left with 8 squares, we only need 5 squares.

Take one of the squares which now measures 7.5 x 7.5 cm Fold the paper in half, top to bottom and right to left. There are now 4 equal square sections.

Fold the top and bottom edges to the middle.

Unfold and then fold the left and right edges to the middle.

Unfold the paper.Flip the paper over to the other side.

Fold the paper in half diagonally.

Fold the paper in half diagonally the other way and unfold.Flip the paper over to the other side.

Push in the corners.

Flip it over to the other side.

Push the edges inwards.Fully collapse the paper into the middle.

Now we'll make the 0s.


Fold the paper in half top to bottom and then fold the top and bottom to the middle. Unfold.You now have 4 long sections.

Do the same for both sheets of paper, and then cut along the lines.

Again, you only need 5 of these strips.

Take one of the strips. Fold the strip in half, bottom to top.

Shape the strip into a circle, use a round object such as a pen, or chopstick to round the paper out if you like.

There will be excess paper so cut some off.

Once your circle is how you like it, pop one end inside the other and smooth it out.

All's left to do is draw a grid for the game!

Categories: Teams

: Duke of Edinburgh

: Brain games

: The Arts

 Core outcomes: Increase confidence

 Learn from failure

 Start and finish


 Make decisions

 Recognise achievement

by J 22 July 2019

Group size: Adaptable, big, small, medium 

Timescale: 10-30 min

Where?: Indoors

Gym hall/ similar


What you need: a paper plate or large piece of card


pompom or marble

glue or tape

Instructions: To create the course, cut small strips of construction paper in different colours, and glue or tape to the top of a paper plate to create a series of tunnels. Or for a larger group put the strips on a large piece of card and fold the edges of the card up towards the side with tunnels then tape the corners.

Draw arrows to decide how the marble or pom pom should travel through the course.

Play by tilting the plate or as a group tilting the card together.

Categories: Teams

: Team Builder

: Brain games

: The Arts


 core outcomes: Increase confidence

 Start and finish

 Achieve goals

 Be supportive


 Make decisions

by J 22 July 2019

Group size: Adaptable, big, small, medium

Timescale: 10-30 min

Where?: Indoors

Gym hall/ similar

What you need: 200 g dark chocolate

2 tbsp maple syrup or honey

2 tbsp butter or dairy free spread

75 g puffed brown rice or rice Krispies

50 g raisins and cranberries or other dried fruits

Instructions: Place 15 fairy cake cases on a board or plate.

Melt the dark chocolate in a bain marie (in a heatproof bowl over a pan of boiling water) or in the microwave.

When it's almost melted add the maple syrup and butter and continue heating until combined. Try not to stir too much.

Remove from the heat and stir in the puffed rice, dried fruit and hemp hearts if using. Mix until everything is coated with chocolate.

Spoon the mixture into the fairy cake cases, pressing down with the back of a teaspoon.

Allow to set

Categories: Food

: Safety

: Health

 Core outcomes: Increase confidence


 Understand safety

 Explain consequences

Show More
by J 22 July 2019

Group size: Big group 10+

Timescale: Under 10 min

Where?: Indoors

Gym hall/ similar

What you need: Paper, pens

Instructions: Divide your group into two teams.


Stand the first group in a line facing the second group. The second group have a set amount of time (you decide) to look at the appearance of the other team.


Once their time is up, the second team (observers) will leave the room, and the first group must change ten things about them. The ten things must be noticeable (ie. they cannot change things in their pockets or other things previously out of view).


When the second group returns, they must observe the first group and work out what ten things have changed. (They may write them down if this is helpful) It's best to give a set amount of time for this to happen also.


Once this is done, you can swap the roles of the groups.


Categories: Teams

: Brain games

: Communication

 Core outcomes: Increase confidence


 Make decisions

 Express opinions

by J 22 July 2019

Group size: Individual

Timescale: 10-30 min

Where?: Indoors

What you need: 4 sheets of 15 x 15 cm paper or card. 2 sheets of one colour and 2 of a different colour.

Instructions: Start with the paper you'd like to use for the X's. Fold the paper in half, top to bottom and right to left. There are now 4 equal square sections.

Cut the sections out on both sheets, you'll be left with 8 squares, we only need 5 squares.

Take one of the squares which now measures 7.5 x 7.5 cm Fold the paper in half, top to bottom and right to left. There are now 4 equal square sections.

Fold the top and bottom edges to the middle.

Unfold and then fold the left and right edges to the middle.

Unfold the paper.Flip the paper over to the other side.

Fold the paper in half diagonally.

Fold the paper in half diagonally the other way and unfold.Flip the paper over to the other side.

Push in the corners.

Flip it over to the other side.

Push the edges inwards.Fully collapse the paper into the middle.

Now we'll make the 0s.


Fold the paper in half top to bottom and then fold the top and bottom to the middle. Unfold.You now have 4 long sections.

Do the same for both sheets of paper, and then cut along the lines.

Again, you only need 5 of these strips.

Take one of the strips. Fold the strip in half, bottom to top.

Shape the strip into a circle, use a round object such as a pen, or chopstick to round the paper out if you like.

There will be excess paper so cut some off.

Once your circle is how you like it, pop one end inside the other and smooth it out.

All's left to do is draw a grid for the game!

Categories: Teams

: Duke of Edinburgh

: Brain games

: The Arts

 Core outcomes: Increase confidence

 Learn from failure

 Start and finish


 Make decisions

 Recognise achievement

by J 22 July 2019

Group size: Adaptable, big, small, medium 

Timescale: 10-30 min

Where?: Indoors

Gym hall/ similar


What you need: a paper plate or large piece of card


pompom or marble

glue or tape

Instructions: To create the course, cut small strips of construction paper in different colours, and glue or tape to the top of a paper plate to create a series of tunnels. Or for a larger group put the strips on a large piece of card and fold the edges of the card up towards the side with tunnels then tape the corners.

Draw arrows to decide how the marble or pom pom should travel through the course.

Play by tilting the plate or as a group tilting the card together.

Categories: Teams

: Team Builder

: Brain games

: The Arts


 core outcomes: Increase confidence

 Start and finish

 Achieve goals

 Be supportive


 Make decisions

by J 22 July 2019

Group size: Adaptable, big, small, medium

Timescale: 10-30 min

Where?: Indoors

Gym hall/ similar

What you need: 200 g dark chocolate

2 tbsp maple syrup or honey

2 tbsp butter or dairy free spread

75 g puffed brown rice or rice Krispies

50 g raisins and cranberries or other dried fruits

Instructions: Place 15 fairy cake cases on a board or plate.

Melt the dark chocolate in a bain marie (in a heatproof bowl over a pan of boiling water) or in the microwave.

When it's almost melted add the maple syrup and butter and continue heating until combined. Try not to stir too much.

Remove from the heat and stir in the puffed rice, dried fruit and hemp hearts if using. Mix until everything is coated with chocolate.

Spoon the mixture into the fairy cake cases, pressing down with the back of a teaspoon.

Allow to set

Categories: Food

: Safety

: Health

 Core outcomes: Increase confidence


 Understand safety

 Explain consequences

by J 22 July 2019

Group size: Adaptable, big, small, medium

Timescale: Under 10 min

Where?: Indoors

Gym hall/ similar


What you need: Chocolate

A variety of fruits, you could even throw in some veggies

Instructions: 1.Melt chocolate

2.Dip fruit in chocolate

3.Pretend its healthy

Categories: Food

: Health

: Social environment

 Core outcomes: Show respect

 Take responsibility

 Be inclusive

 Express themselves


by J 22 July 2019

Group size: Big group 10+

Timescale: 10-30 min

Where?: Indoors

Gym hall/ similar

What you need: felt markers, thick paper, sticky notes or index cards, and masking tape.

Instructions: Ask participants to draw a picture of how to make toast.

Give them 2-3 minutes.

Show everyone the pictures.

Now give participants sticky notes and ask them to draw toast again. In silence!

In silence, put participants into teams and using the sticky notes ask them to create a larger version of how you make toast.

Talk about how the ideas work together.

by Tom Wujec

Categories : Teams

: Team Builder

: Communication

: Social environment

Core outcomes: Show respect

 Be inclusive

 Be supportive

 Express opinions


by J 22 July 2019

Group size: Big group 10+

Timescale: Under 10 min

Where?: Outdoors

Gym hall/ similar


What you need: -

Instructions: At any time there are 2 players the "rabbit" and the "catcher"

Ask everyone to sand in pairs, side by side away from other pairs. Choose one pair and they become the rabbit and the catcher.

The catcher chases the rabbit BUT if the rabbit stands next to a pair the person on the other side of that pair becomes the rabbit and must run. So if you think of AB as a pair then RAB when the rabbit joins B is the one to run and the middle person stays in place forming a new pair.

Optional: If the catcher succeeds then they yell "rabbit stew" and everybody runs to find a new partner.

At the same time the rabbit that was caught becomes the catcher and the catcher becomes the rabbit.

Categories : Teams

: Movement

 Core outcomes: Increase confidence

 Achieve goals

 Be inclusive


by J 19 July 2019

Group size: Individual
Timescale: 10-30 min
Where?:  Indoors Gym hall/ similar
What you need:

Assorted art supplies
Computers or similar
Instructions:  Ask the participants to create a family tree using available resources. A branch could be your family and leaves the people. Add one sentence or word description of each person.
Categories:  Ice breakers
 The Arts
Core outcomes:  Increase confidence
Show respect
Be inclusive
Express themselves

by J 19 July 2019
Group size: Adaptable Big group 10+ small group 3+ and medium 5-9
Timescale: 10-30 min
Where?:  Anywhere, indoors, outdoors or gym hall
What you need -
Instructions:  Make predictions for 50 years from now.
What small issues will be the main ones?
What issues that we have now will seem strange and a thing of the past?
What will the world look like?
Categories:  Social environment
Core outcomes:  Increase confidence
Be inclusive
Express opinions
Acknowledge challenges
Explain consequences
by J 19 July 2019
Group size: Adaptable Big group 10+ small group 3+ and medium 5-9
Timescale: Under 10 min
Where?: Indoors
Gym hall/ similar

What you need Board or flip chart

Instructions:  Pick a participant to sit at the front back facing the board or flip chart. Write a list on it including topical words- sex condom gay fat perfect meth etc.- and other random words.
Everyone wins cause if you were the fastest guesser you had the best team.

Categories:  Communication
 Social environment
Core outcomes:  Increase confidence
Express opinions
Express themselves
Recognise achievement
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