Group size: Adaptable
Timescale: 10-30 min
Where?: Anywhere
What you need: Pens, paper
Instructions: This is a game that requires little preparation and is fun among small groups.
Have the players sit in a large circle so they can easily separate their "families" (more on that soon). Next, get players to write down a favourite of theirs, i.e. Favourite band, food, sport. When they are done, mix the pieces up and read each of them out loud only twice. Then, choose someone to be a "picker." The picker will choose a person and ask them if their favourite ______ was ______. If they get the answer right, the person they guessed will join the picker's family and the picker can keep guessing. If not, the picker will join the family of the person they guessed and the person who was wrongly guessed will become the picker. If the leader of a family guesses something wrong, the picker's entire family will join the wrongly guessed person's family. This process will continue until one big family is made from everyone. The leader of that family wins!
Remember, players cannot ask to hear the favourites again and they may not take notes on their own paper. They must use their memory and their memory only. They may, however, discuss it with their "family members."
Categories: Teams, Ice breakers, Communication
Core outcomes: Increase confidence, Show respect, Be inclusive, Be supportive, Express themselves, Participation, Make decisions