Blog Post

Who am I?

  • by J
  • 13 Jul, 2019
Group size: Adaptable
Timescale: Under 10 min
Where?: Anywhere
What you need: Pens, Paper
Instructions: Give everyone in the group a piece of paper and pen, then get them to write down three facts about themselves along with their name. Once they have done this, they'll need to hand their sheet of paper up to a leader.

Then give everyone a new sheet of paper so they can write down their answers. The leader running the game can read through the facts on each sheet in a random order and everyone playing the game must write down who they think it is. Then you can go through the answers and see who got the most correct.

An alternative to getting everyone to write down their answers individually is to split everyone into a few teams and give each group a buzzer. As you are reading the facts out, a team can "buzz in" and then guess who they think it is. If they get it correct on the first fact, it would be worth three points. If they get it correct on the second fact, it would be worth two, and so on.

Categories:  Ice breakers, Communication
Core outcomes: Be inclusive, Express themselves, Participate
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