Group size: Adaptable
Timescale: 10-30 min
Where?: Indoors, Gym hall/ similar
What you need: Pens, paper
Instructions: First of all elect a adjudicator to go into the other room. A topic is chosen i.e. Food, Cars, brads, Countries ect. and one by one each person playing walks in to the room with the adjudicator and tells them what 'thing' of the category they are. (if the topic was food, Player A could say- Apple). The adjudicator then writes the players name and their chosen thing. Everyone in the room does this
The adjudicator then comes out and randomly reads out every bodies things once (and once only).
Everyone has to try and memorise all of the things through out the entire game. Starting with any player they call out the name of a person and what thing they think they are. If they are wrong the person just says no, but if they are right they say so and then move next to the person who got it right. They now are the King of an Empire. This same process goes around and around the circle gradually building up more empires.
If your thing has been guessed and you are in an Empire you cant guess any more peoples things but you can however help your King to decide whose thing they should guess next. Your turn is just simply skipped.
If you are the King of an Empire and your thing is guessed you AND your ENTIRE empire has to get up and move to that persons empire. The winner is the King whose Empire has everybody playing in it. i.e Towards the end there will be just two Empires left (they could be 1 person or 20!) and if a King guesses the other Kings thing they win everybody in that Empire and WIN the game.
NOTE: The adjudicator must never read out the list of things again during the game. They can only tell people what they are if they forgot (in another room of course).
Categories: Teams, Ice breakers, Movement, Communication
Core outcomes: Increase confidence, Set goals, Achieve goals, Participate, Make decisions