size: Adaptable Big group 10+ small group 3+ and medium 5-9
Timescale: 10-30 min
Where?: Indoors
Where?: Gym hall/ similar
What you need softballs divider
Instructions: You'll need to divide the
area/room into 2 by setting up a barrier or sheet in the middle - something
that you can't see through. Then divide the group in half and send one team to
each side. Get each team to pick one player to start as the bomber the rest of
the players need to sit spread themselves across the area and sit down (or lie
down) as a battleship. These players cannot move.
Each team takes it in turns to get their bomber to sit at the back of the area
and throw a ball over the barrier to the other side. If their ball hits someone
from the other team the player that gets hit must then say "You sunk my
battleship!" and they are out. They can now become another bomber for
their team and they must sit with the other bomber.
You'll need to make up rules - like whether a ball can bounce before hitting
someone or whether both people are out if it hits two people in a row who are
next to each other.
Once an entire team is out they must all yell "YOU SUNK MY
Categories: Teams
Core outcomes: Increase confidence
Learn from failure
Set goals
Achieve goals
Make decisions
Understand safety