size: Big group 10+
Timescale: 1-2hrs
Where?: Indoors
Gym hall/ similar
What you need:
100 pennies
Board/ flip chart
Instructions: PART A The Scramble
1. Explain to participants that in this activity they will distribute the
wealth and power of the world among themselves. This wealth is represented by
the 100 pennies. There is only one rule no participant may touch another member
of the group at any time.
2. Arrange the room so that participants have a fairly large area to play the
game. Have participants stand or sit in a circle and scatter the pennies evenly
in the middle of the circle. Withhold three participants from this part of the
activity. Distribute mittens for some participants to wear but postpone
discussion of reasons for this until debriefing. Note To emphasize that some start
off with more than others consider giving three or four participants five extra
pennies to begin with as well as providing them with special scooping
At the order of GO have participants (except the three withheld) gather as many
pennies as possible without touching one another. Note Penalties for violations
of this rule may be needed such as removal from the game or payment to the
person touched.
3. After all the pennies have been collected have participants report their
wealth to the class. Record participants names and a number of pennies on a
board or chart paper under three
(those with six or more pennies);
2) SOME WEALTH AND POWER (those with three to five pennies)
3) LITTLE WEALTH AND POWER (those with two or fewer pennies.)
4. Remind the group that these pennies represent their wealth and power in the
world. The amount they possess will affect their capacity to satisfy their
needs and wants. Those participants with six or more pennies will have their basic
needs and most of their wants met; those with three to five pennies will have
their basic needs met and those with two or fewer pennies will have difficulty
surviving due to disease lack of education malnutrition and inadequate
5. Tell participants that they may if they wish give pennies to others; however
they are not required to do so. Tell them that those who do share will be
honoured as DONORS with their names placed on the board. Let them do this. Then
ask for the names of those who gave away pennies and the amount each gave. List
them on the board or chart entitled DONORS. Ask if anyone changed the category
as a result of giving or receiving pennies and record these shifts on the
6. Explain that some people in their country (and perhaps in their community)
and in every country around the globe lack adequate necessities such as food
education health care and shelter. Point out that others often in the same
community or country are able to acquire almost everything they need and want.
PART B Creating Economic Fairness
1. Divide participants into groups according to the number of pennies they
have. Distribute those three participants withheld from the original
"scramble" randomly among the different groups. Make note of their
reactions to being placed in one group rather than another but save discussion
of their placement until the debriefing session.
2. Give each group the task of creating a plan for the fair distribution of the
pennies the world's wealth). Each group should prepare to a) show why their
plan is fair b) explain what needs to be done and c) describe what the group
plans to do and why. Give the groups ten minutes to devise their plans.
3. Ask each group to appoint a spokesperson to explain their plan to the others
and answer questions. After the plans have been presented and discussed
announce that a vote will now be held on which plan to adopt.
4. When participants are ready to vote announce the following Participants with
six or more pennies have five votes those with three to five pennies have two
votes and those with two or fewer pennies have one vote. This strategy
reinforces the fact that the distribution of power often reflects that of
Have participants vote and tabulate the results. Announce which plan is to be implemented.
Carry out this plan redistributing the wealth if necessary.
Then discuss.
Categories: Brain games
Core outcomes: Increase confidence
Show respect
Express opinions
Acknowledge challenges
Explain consequences
Understand the role of power
Engage with democratic structures