size: Big group 10+
Timescale: 10-30 min
Where?: Anywhere indoors outdoors gym
What you need Assorted stuff- about 20
Bean bags balls etc.
Instructions: There are two teams and
three dividing lines (i.e. two halves of a playing field). Put an equal amount
of the objects behind both baselines.
Each team needs to aim to steal as many of the objects as possible without
getting caught.
To steal an object the player must successfully make it to the other teams’
baseline without being tagged. Once they are there they can steal 1 object and
release 1 captive team-mate (if there are any).
If the player is tagged while on the other teams’ half of the playing field
they are caught and must wait at the oppositions baseline until they are
Categories: Teams
Core outcomes: Increase confidence
Learn from failure
Set goals
Achieve goals