Blog Post

Poison pole

  • by J
  • 13 Jul, 2019
Group size: Adaptable Big group 10+ small group 3+ and medium 5-9
Timescale: Under 10 min
Where?: Indoors, Gym hall/ similar

What you need Pole stool chair
Instructions You have a pole (a broom will suffice) and you place the pole on a stool. Everyone needs to gather around the pole and hold hands.

The aim is to try and get OTHER people to knock the pole off the stool. You do that by pulling people around you and trying to have them hit the pole.

If a person knocks the pole off the stool they are out
If two people let go of each other they both are out unless one was about to hit the pole and panicked by letting go then that person is out.
Categories:  Teams
 Ice breakers
Core outcomes:  Increase confidence
Be inclusive
Make decisions
Express themselves
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