Group size: Adaptable
Timescale: 10-30 min
Where?: Indoors, Gym hall/ similar
What you need: People, Chairs
This is a high paced game of concentration and reaction time. The goal of the game is to become #1 by tripping up the people ahead of you. WARNING: This game gets loud.
You'll need to set up the chairs (one per participant) in a fashion that they can be easily counted off but still faces a central location (like a half/whole circle, two inward facing lines... etc.) Then have all the participants take a seat and then number the seats from 1 to the last chair being the highest number (IE if you have 14 chairs right to left it will be 1 -14). Make sure the students remember the number their chair has.
You (the leader) starts the game by announcing "The Prince of Paris has lost his hat and number '__' has it!", you then start counting to 5. The person in the seat with the number accused has to stand up and say "No sir not I sir, number '__' has it!" you then start counting to 5 again and the newly accused repeats the process.
If a person does not stand up by the count of five then they must take the last seat and everyone behind them moves up (example: if #3 gets booted then #4 becomes the new #3 and #5 becomes the new #4 and so on. #1 & 2 don't move). Once everyone has moved a new round begins. Remember that it is the seats that are numbered so when everyone moves up a seat their number drops by 1. The goal is to trip up the people with lower numbers than you so that you can make your way to number 1.
Other things that can knock a player back:
1. Standing up when their number isn't called (if 6 is called and 5 stands up, 5 is booted)
2. Calling a number that doesn't exist (Calling 17 when there's only 15 chairs)
3. Calling their own number (self explanatory).
As you go through a few rounds and your students get the hang of it here are some things to keep it fun:
1. Speed up your calling/counting (Start out very clear and understood and work your way toward sounding like an auctioneer with a caffeine overdose)
2. When calling out the number of the accused point at someone else ("...& Number 3 has it!!!!" while pointing at number 10)
3. When counting to 5 walk toward a person who is not the accused as if you are waiting for them to stand up (pretty much slight variation of the last one)
4. Change the piece of clothing that is being stolen, mention how naked the prince feels
5. Give one of your older students/other leaders a tern as the caller because you are going to lose your voice if this goes on for to long
6. You can boot for tripping up/stuttering on their "no sir not I sir" but the extent it takes to be booted would be at the callers discretion
Categories: Ice breakers, Communication
Core outcomes: Accept failure, Show respect, Participate, Make decisions