Blog Post

Mix and Mingle

  • by J
  • 09 Jul, 2019
Group size: Adaptable
Timescale: Under 10 min
Where?: Anywhere
What you need: People
Instructions: This get to know you game / ice break game is a great way to generate discussion amongst a big group or to help a small group get to know a bit more about each other.

Get the group to stand in the middle of a hall area. The leader of the game will stand at the front of the hall, facing towards the group of people.

The game leader will call out a choice to the group, pointing to opposite sides of the room for each option. For example, the first choice could be "inside vs outside". When the game leader says "inside" they would point to the left side of the room, when they say "outside" they would point to the right side of the room.

Each of the players then run or walk to the side of the room which they prefer. For example, if I like "outside" more than "inside" then I would go to the right.

Categories: Ice breakers, Communication
Core outcomes: Increase confidence, Show respect, Be inclusive,Participate
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