size: Big group 10+
Timescale: 30-60 min
Where?: Indoors
Gym hall/ similar
What you need- cones & prizes
Instructions: Put participants in 4
groups or villages. In the middle of the room layout cones if there are 40
cones the max. per group per turn is 3. Tell them there are 4 seasons 3 fishing
and 1 off to let the fish repopulate where the village will live off the fish
they caught before. Tell them to catch as many fish as possible. Ask the groups
to name their boat and decide how many fish they want to catch. Give the group
30 seconds to catch the fish. Let them decide how many fish they will catch in
round 2. Tell them that the more fish that are left at the end of round 3 the
more fish there will be next year. For round 3 encourage participants to talk to
each other about how much they will catch.
Add 2 cones for every cone still on the floor and start again. Play around even
if there are no cones.
40-3 cones 50-4 65- 5 etc.
If there are fish at the end of year 2 everyone wins’
If not everyone dies.
Additional option
Have the groups exchange fish for sweets or something else valuable.
Categories: Food
Core outcomes: Acknowledge challenges
Explain consequences
Understand the role of power
Engage with democratic structures