size: Adaptable, Big group 10+, small group 3+ and medium 5-9
Timescale: 10-30 min
Where?: Indoors
Where?: Gym hall/ similar
What you need Air dry clay coverings for table flowers rolling pin paint
Instructions: Select the flowers you
want to press into the clay slab. You can use either fresh flowers from your
garden or from a bouquet or artificial flowers. Place the flowers on top of the
clay slab without actually pressing them into the clay until you feel satisfied
with the arrangement. Once you're happy with the flower positions use the
rolling pin to roll over the clay slab gently pressing down to create an
impression of the flowers on the clay. The flowers will stick into the clay.
Use the very tip of a clay knife or cookery knife to lift up the flowers and
remove them. You can now paint the clay with ceramic paint.
In a variation you can also use string for the pattern.
Categories: The Arts
Core outcomes: Start and finish
Express themselves
Recognise achievement